The Olive Tree Pilates Blog

STOP - BEFORE You Make Any New Year Resolutions!

gratitude holidays motivation planning purpose Dec 26, 2023
New Year Celebration

Did you know that I HATE New Year’s resolutions? 😬

I’ll share more about why soon and what might be better. 😏 I know you’re itching to think about your resolutions and ‘word for the year’ and mantras **BUT FIRST** let’s talk about the 👊🏼POWER💪🏼 of gratitude and contentment.

As the year comes to an end, we typically look ahead to see what we can change or do better next year.


But I believe, to look forward well, we must look back well - to truly celebrate all that the last year has brought.


As we look back on our year, it’s easy and natural to want to only focus on the negative & difficult. Or to just completely skip over and dismiss looking back at our year.

But what if we take some time to see the beautiful things that we got to enjoy over the last year?

We benefit greatly from gratitude and contentment.


Gratitude and contentment have been studied and proven to improve health in a multitude of ways…

•reduces stress, anxiety and depression
•grounding and helps us to be more present
•improves sleep
•releases dopamine and serotonin
•decreases inflammation 🤯
•it can even strengthen our brain structure

As we deliberately contemplate and ruminate on the grace that we enjoy each day - gratitude can root us in contentment and joy. 🤍 And that can improve our health. So gratitude is a part of stewarding your health!

What proof of the connection between body and soul!

Now, I fully understand that life can be hard and heavy and maybe this past year has been really difficult for you. I am truly sorry. I understand and can fully relate. Life sometimes brings a heaviness that hurts more than we can imagine. My encouragement is not to dismiss that reality and only look at the positive but to encourage you to see how God might be working in you and in your life through those difficulties and disappointments. He does not leave us without hope. (*Please message me if you need some encouragement or a listening ear.*)

Before you race to start something new - let’s pause to think and celebrate all that we have to be grateful for. If you’re a list-maker like me - I bet your list may be longer than you think!


→What did you enjoy this last year?


→How did you grow?


→What are you grateful for?


→What difficult things did you endure and how were you strengthened by those hard things?


Looking back can help us look forward.



Celebrate before you evaluate and plan....

More in this series coming soon...



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